Professional Marine Science Services

Professional Marine Science Services is an Aquatic Environmental Consultancy specialising in marine and coastal applications. The extent of our experience and knowledge of dynamic marine environments as applied ecologists, provides information for practical environmental management.

Our company can facilitate and support confident project planning, scientific reporting and attainment of regulatory permits and licenses. Our team have a proven track record applying skills in marine ecology, mapping/spatial analysis and marine construction and infrastructure to achieve project needs in a range of marine environments; including embayments, estuaries, open coasts and port facilities.

Company Capabilities

Ecological monitoring programs

Professional Marine Science Services has extensive experience designing and implementing ecological monitoring programs in a range of temperate aquatic environments.

  • Subtidal and Intertidal quantitative biodiversity investigation
  • Deep reef biota monitoring
  • Biota and Geophysical habitat mapping

Scientific Diving

All scientific divers are a minimum ADAS certified Part 1 Diver. All have extensive experience completing Underwater Visual Census surveys for fish, marine algae and invertebrates in Victorian Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Additionally we have ADAS certified Part 2 and 3 Divers that can complete surface supply contamination and confined space diving works.

Underwater Video Survey

We have extensive experience extracting biological and geophysical information from underwater video data for the purpose of scientific reporting. Our team excels at underwater video survey techniques matching project requirements with video methodology including:

  • Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
  • Benthic Tow video

Remote Sensing and GIS

Key personnel engaged by Professional Marine Science Services have an extensive background in GIS geoprocessing, data management, map making cartography. These capabilities are facilitated with a strong background using software for applications such as production of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), seafloor change detection modelling and habitat mapping.

  • Bathymetry seafloor mapping
  • Biota and geophysical habitat mapping
  • Seafloor change detection
  • GIS capability training
  • GIS Cartography and Reporting
  • GIS geoprocessing and modelling

Environmental Impacts and Risk Assessments

Professional Marine Science Services can facilitate investigation and reporting of Environmental Impact and Risk Assessments requirements for maritime projects. We have expertise and proficiency meeting requirements enacted in Environmental Management Plans such as that implemented for the Channel Deeping Project in Port Phillip Heads.

Sediment and Water Quality sampling

Our team can implement water quality sampling programs for analysis of physio-chemical properties or detection of contaminants. In addition to this we can complete phytoplankton surveys for water quality monitoring requirements. Professional Marine Science Services also has extensive experience completing sediment and hard substratum geotechnical surveys in the marine environment.

Project Management

Our personnel have proven track records managing environmental and construction projects in Victoria’s maritime industry. We can facilitate project QA and scientific reporting to match with appropriate project outcomes. PMSS staff work to equivalent standards for quality management as required for ISO9001:2008 certification.

Invasive pest surveys

Professional Marine Science Services can provide marine pest inspections and management solutions for maritime vessels and port infrastructure in temperate Australian waters. Additionally we can provide effective management plans when dealing with protected and threatened species in the marine environment.

Maritime Archeology

Professional Marine Science Services have qualified maritime archaeologists on staff with in excess of thirty years of experience in maritime archaeology in Australia and overseas. Professional Marine Science Services work closely with heritage departments and consultant archaeologists to  support with divers and logistics on maritime heritage works.

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