Data Sheets
Underwater Welding
The two main categories of underwater welding techniques are Wet underwater welding and Dry underwater welding (also called Hyperbaric welding). Read more.
Dangers of Delta P (Differential Pressure) in Diving
Diving hazards caused by differential pressure happen when water moves from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure. There is no risk when there is no water flow, but once the flow starts, the forces exerted are usually very substantial. Read more.
Marine Borers
Marine borers attack a variety of timber in marine and brackish environments. These wood-boring organisms stem from two families including molluskan (e.g. shipworms, teredo “worms”) and crustacean (e.g. limnoriids). Vulnerability of timber to marine borer attack is heavily dependent on timber species and surface treatments. Read more.
Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC)
Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC) is an aggressive form of corrosion that typically leads to steel thickness loss of 0.5 mm per year. This phenomenon has historically been identified at or below low-water level and is associated with microbially induced corrosion. Read more.